Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fools, Earth Hour

Today my wii fit cartoon which comes on when I start wii fit and had a party hat on. Each time I log on it says my wii fit isn't working, April Fools.

For those teaching Toddlers, preschoolers and Kindergarteners I want to tell you about a great site called it's has such cute animation and stories to teach ABC, Vocabulary, reading, to children. They do have a store but they have a lot of free interactive learning tools on their site.
You will need to be there to help navigate.

Turn It off
I need to get a new surge protector. We have things that need to stay on hooked on the same outlet as things that need to shut down

Earth Hour
I didn't celebrate it because I felt it was just easier for me to reduce overall than to totally shut down for one hour which would turn off my heat.

. I might celebrate earth day for the first time this year even though I have been eco friendly since 17 I drew I didn't like to celebrate earth day. I will address this in another post.

Thankful List
Husband and little ones
Peanut butter and raisons on crackers

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